A.500.3.3.RB_WilsonLindsey_Organizational Leadership as a System
Think about the distinction between seeing the discipline of organizational leadership as a system of thinking vs. seeing organizational leadership as a body of information. What would you say are the key differences between the two? The Oxford dictionary defines a system as, “a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole.” (English Oxford Living Dictionary, 2017). When I think of a system I think of gears that are interlocked with each other, and by moving one gear there is a cascading effect of the other gears moving as well. To apply this thinking the discipline of organizational leadership, each gear is be a fundamental and powerful concept in which the body of information is reasoned through using the elements of reasoning. As the information gets processed through the elements of reasoning there are still the standards of reasoning and the discipline of organizational leadership that the information must get filtered...