MSLD 511 Module 9 Course Reflections
Reflect on the following questions in a well-written post on your Reflection Blog. Revisit your original definition of leadership from Module 1. Would you make any changes to your definition of leadership? In what ways have learning about these leadership theories informed your own view of leadership? What type of leader are you or do you aspire to be? My definition of leadership the first week of class was : Someone who can influence and create positive growth in an individual, group, or organization by the intentional coaching of others through communication. Overall, I still like my definition because it includes what are some of the most important aspects of leadership: relationships, growth and communication. However, I think I would change the word “coaching” now that I know that according to situational leadership the word coaching has a different meaning then what I was intending. Coaching is a high directive and a high supportive behavior that the leader us...